Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Electric car sitting on top of only 4 teacups!!

An amazing display in front of Ashley China on Bloor Street, Toronto. The entire weight (1,700 lbs) of this electric car is resting on only 4 teacups!! Each tea cup is supporting different weights (for a total of 1,700lbs). The right rear cup is supporting 925 lbs!

The place-mats are made of real grass!

Click on photos to make larger.


Steve Topping said...

3700lbs if it is 925x4

IanToronto said...

You are correct in your math Steve. I should correct the the post, but in a different way...

What I failed to post, was that each tea cup was supporting a DIFFERENT weight, for a total of 1700lbs

I only discovered it when I examined the pictures more closely... besides, I'm crappy at math! lol Thanks for pointing it out. ;)))