Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The next President of the United States will affect us here in Canada and indeed the world

As some of you know, I have a keen interest in the race for President in the U.S. The upcoming Presidential race is important to Canadians because of its impact on the world in many areas such as the environment, getting the hell out of Iraq, generating peace and restoring credibility to the Oval office and government itself. It's a tall order, but it MUST be accomplished.

Bush and the Republicans have destroyed the US image around the world. They have lied, cheated, and committed illegal acts throughout their tenure... and continue to do so. Bush will go down in history as the worst American President EVER! No argument on that point.

The Republicans will lose big time in 2008, so it is up to the Democrats to right all the wrongs of the present administration. Who Americans pick as the next President is very important to the US, Canada & the world. The three front runners are all pretty good but I have concerns with each of them. Hillary carries her husband's baggage yet she is starting to look good. Obama is excellent although he lacks experience.

The third contender is John Edwards. Most Canadians know very little about him. I was hesitant at first because of his Mormon background, but lately I have been impressed with him. Here is a good example from Bill Maher's "Real Time" which we cannot receive here in Canada. What are your opinions after viewing this clip?

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