Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Proposition 8 - The Musical
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Canada's "Maverick" Prime Minister an embarassment to world
Stephen Harper... The world is laughing at us, because of your actions. What an embarrassment! Just look at what US television thinks...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Four days in Denver - A behind the scenes mini doc - Delightfully real
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Obama/McCain 'Dance Off' video - Brilliant !!!
Watch this brilliantly done video of John McCain and Barack Obama in a 'Dance Off'. A lot of very hard work went into this. Special guest appearance, Tina Fey...err... Sarah Palin. For more interesting videos check out minimovie.com
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Canada wishes Obama well
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Editorial: The phone call . . . Stephen Harper/George Bush
Harper emulates George Bush. Simple really. Has done so for many years.
Harper is secretive... just like Bush.
Harper twists the truth... just like Bush.
Harper lies like Bush (and McCain).
Harper followed Bush into war.
Canada used to be a nation of peace keepers... now we are targets of aggression.
This will have to do until Canada get's its own version of Obama.
Federal Canadian politics have grown old and stale. It needs an infusion of younger candidates with new, fresh ideas for today's world. Out with the old... In with the new... even if it includes members of my generation.
Follow the spirit of the Obama revolution happening before our eyes in the US. Canada desperately needs to find that very same magic.
Canada doesn't want or need Bush style politics!!
You can STOP Harper by voting strategically. Just enter your postal code HERE to find out the best way to STOP Harper in YOUR riding... Anywhere in Canada
Over the top, but fun to watch. lol...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
"It's Over: Why Bill Ayers Won't Save John McCain" - Howard Wolfson
"This race will not be decided by lipsticked pigs. And John McCain can not escape that reality. The only unknowns are the size of the margin and the breadth of the Democratic advantage in the next Congress."
Perpetually fretting Democrats will not want to accept it. The campaigns themselves can't afford to believe it. Many journalists know it but can't say it. And there will certainly be some twists and turns along the way. But take it to a well capitalized bank: Bill Ayers isn't going to save John McCain. The race is over.
John McCain's candidacy is as much a casualty of Wall Street as Lehman or Merrill. Like those once vibrant institutions, McCain's collapse was stunning and quick. One minute you are a well-respected brand. The next you are yelling at the messengers of your demise as all around you the numbers start blinking red and stop adding up.
McCain's road was difficult to begin with: the President of his party has had record-low approval ratings for two years and the number of Americans who say the country is heading in the wrong direction is stratospheric. He also had the misfortune to be pitted against an exceptional candidate running an extremely well-executed campaign.
Still, before Wall Street's collapse Senator McCain was ahead. His approval ratings remained high, his VP pick had generated excitement and interest, and his campaign operatives were capable, on any given day, of winning news cycles and giving their opponents fits. And then the underpinnings of American capitalism begin to sink -- and with them sunk McCain.
An election dominated at its inception by the war in Iraq is now overwhelmingly focused on the economy. More than half of voters in polls say that the economy is their top concern and Senator Obama enjoys double digit leads among voters asked who can better fix our economic mess. Put simply, there is no way Senator McCain can win if he continues to trail Senator Obama by double digits on the top concern of more than half of voters.
State polls are beginning to reflect this. If the election were tomorrow, Obama would win all of the states John Kerry carried and add...
Read rest of post HERE
Friday, October 3, 2008
Sarah Palin becomes Wendy Whiner . . .
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Craig Ferguson speaks from the heart about his past
Monday, September 22, 2008
Michael Moore's new movie "Slacker Uprising" free to download !
Young voters in the US have the unique opportunity of deciding the Presidential election, and ending the eight years of turmoil generated by the Bush administration. Official Selection - Toronto Film Festival.
If you are a US citizen... no matter what age, register to vote. YOU have the power to oust the Bush administration, and their vile cronies. Every vote counts, and the world is counting on you to set things straight.
Free download HERE
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ian Grant Wahn B.A., M.A., LL.B., M.P. - My Dad
Born: April 18, 1916 - Herbert, Saskatchewan, Canada
Died: September 14, 1999 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Right on Barack! Go for their Achilles heel(s)!
Barack responds (well) to that 30 seconds of trash you just saw...
Monday, September 8, 2008
By: Arianna Huffington
Huffington Post
Did Sarah Palin wrongfully push to have her ex-brother-in law fired? Was she really against the "Bridge to Nowhere?" Did she really sell Alaska's plane on eBay, or just list it on eBay? Did she actually have any substantial duties commanding the Alaska National Guard?
The correct answer to all these questions is: who cares? Which isn't to say these aren't valid questions, or that Palin and the McCain camp aren't playing it fast, loose, and coy with each of them. The point is that Palin, and the circus she's brought to town, are simply a bountiful collection of small lies deliberately designed to distract the country from one big truth: the havoc that George Bush and the Republican Party have wrought, and that John McCain is committed to continuing.
Every second of this campaign not spent talking about the Republican Party's record, and John McCain's role in that record, is a victory for John McCain.
Her critics like to say that Palin hasn't accomplished anything. I disagree: in the space of ten days she's succeeded in distracting the entire country from the horrific Bush record -- and McCain's complicity in it. My friends, that's accomplishment we can believe in.
Just look at the problem John McCain faced. George Bush has a disastrous record, and the country knows it. John McCain -- the current one, not the one who vanished eight years ago -- has no major disagreements with George Bush (and I'm sorry, wanting to fire Donald Rumsfeld a bit sooner doesn't qualify) and wants to continue his incredibly unpopular policies for another four years. The solution? Enter Sarah Palin, a Trojan Moose carrying four more years of disaster.
And the plan has worked beautifully. Just look at what's being discussed just 57 days before the election. Is it the highest unemployment rate in five years? The bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? The suicide bombing yesterday in Iraq that killed six people and wounded 54 -- in the same market where last month a bomb killed 28 people and wounded 72? That the political reconciliation that was supposedly the point of "the surge" is nowhere near happening? That Iraq's Shiite government is now rounding up the American-backed Sunni leaders of the Awakening? That the reason 8,000 soldiers may be leaving Iraq soon is so more can be deployed to Afghanistan where the Taliban is steadily retaking the country?
No. We're talking about whether Sarah Palin was or was not a good mayor, whether she was or was not a good mother, whether her skirts are too short and her zingers too sarcastic.
Contrary to what we're hearing 24/7 in the media, the next few weeks are not a test of Sarah Palin. The next few weeks are a test of Barack Obama.
He needs to dramatically redirect this election back to a discussion over the issues that really matter -- the issues that will impact the future of this country. A presidential campaign is a battle and this is the time for Obama to show some commander-in-chief skills. I'm not talking about calling Palin out for lying about his record and demeaning community organizing. I'm talking about grabbing the political debate by the throat. The country is already angry about what's happened over the last seven-plus years -- he shouldn't be afraid to give voice to that anger. Obama has spent years adopting a non-threatening persona; but he can't let his fear that appearing like an "angry Black man" (a stereotype not-too-subtly fueled by Fox News) will turn off swing voters keep him from channeling the disgust and outrage felt by so many voters --swing and otherwise.
McCain's team, in an effort to distract, is going to keep doing what they're doing -- diverting voters and the media with a tantalizing combination of personal trivia and small lies. It doesn't matter if they're caught in them -- in fact, all the better. Because they know there is no way in hell they can win if this election is about the big truth of the Bush years.
McCain's real running mate is George Bush and the failed policies of the Republican Party. Even if they are dressed up in a skirt, lipstick, and Tina Fey glasses.
For much, much more go to: The Huffington Post
Monday, September 1, 2008
Labour Day Reflections - Bill Moyers PBS
See video HERE
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Double Trouble - Twin Hurricanes to hit US
Gustav on the left. Hanna on the right.
NOTE: Hanna has been downgraded to a tropical storm
Update: Hanna is back as a hurricane, plus there is a THIRD one on it's way!
Look at an up-to-date animated view... these are incredibly big and fierce hurricanes. Click HERE
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Pearl Helen Wahn - My mum
2o years ago today I lost my dear mom. I got the news while up at the cottage with friends. My last words to her before I left Toronto were "Love you mum...". It is amazing to think that it has been twenty long years since Pearl died.
My mom was unique. She did not fit into any stereotype. She ALWAYS spoke her mind and BS played no part in her life. I miss all the crazy stories she used to tell... the time she worked in a chocolate factory, a bra factory, and the time she ran a restaurant in Saskatchewan.
My mom was as practical as anyone can get. She did everything by hand, including sewing, which was one of her passions. Below is my mum sitting at her old Singer sewing machine. Mum would get on these sewing marathons for weeks on end. If she was in a really good mood, she would start singing. This was one of those moments.
My parents were an amazing couple. They loved each other far more than I ever knew. Below is the finest picture I ever took of them. It was the night of the Prime Minister's dinner at the Royal York Hotel. I had never seen them look so good. Mom had this incredible Chanel dress she had bought many years before. I had never seen it before. She altered it herself, which included raising the hem line to what was fashionable then. She was a knock-out in it!!
Thanks Mom and Dad for everything. I will never forget.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Question: "Mr McCain, how many houses do you own?" . . .
Oh really! Check out Obama's response...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
These two Republicans I actually admire. They predict double digit figures of Republicans voting for Barack! Thank God there are R. Americans with a brain in their head, and not afraid to speak out about what is wrong with their party.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Cirque du Soleil Cat Move
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
George Carlin 1937-2008 "I'm an old F#%k" . . . . . . . HBO 2008
George's last HBO Special (2008). 7 parts available. This first part deals with old age and death. George was hysterically funny until the end. Very recent.
Also... George Carlin: Inside the Actors Studio - 2004 (Part 1 of 5)
To view, click HERE
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Matt dances his way acound the world . . .
A work of art.
Watch it in High Def by clicking on "Where the Hell is Matt", then turn on HD, and click to enlarge to full screen
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Scott gets it all out . . .
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tim Russert 1950 - 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Well, it's finally over. Barack Obama is now the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. This is truly historic.
The truly sad part is that Hillary Clinton STILL refuses to concede and throw her support behind Senator Obama. Talk about a sore loser! It's disgraceful. Also yesterday she said she is willing to be Vice-President! That is not her decision to make! As the Democratic nominee, Obama gets to pick his running mate... not her! She is essentially trying to bully him into it.
You would think after being defeated, Hillary would quickly jump on the band wagon and endorse Barack, but no... she refuses to accept the outcome. She is living in her own little dream world.
Talk about lack of class!
UPDATE: ABC News is reporting Hillary will officially concede Friday. Yeesh... she should have done it last night.
UPDATE II: New York Times
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton will endorse Senator Barack Obama on Saturday, bringing a close to her 17-month campaign for the White House, aides said. Her decision came after Democrats urged her on Wednesday to leave the race and allow the party to coalesce around Mr. Obama.
For more in-depth analysis, see video below.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Hillary waiting for assasination attempt on Obama?!! She cannot survive any longer in this race.
Just how low will Hillary Clinton go? Well she has now reached the absolute bottom of the barrel. An explosive new low from a desperate candidate.
Listen to MSNBC's Keith Olbermann in a "Special Comment" explain why Hillary Rodham Clinton should NOT be the next President of the United States. If you were still leaning towards Hillary, you probably won't after seeing this.
Video of her incredible comment and her very weak apology HERE. (includes some MSNBC commentary)
Keith's Special Comment...