An open letter to President Obama and ALL Democrats, from a Canadian.
I have been a fan of Barack long before the Primaries. I have followed each and every step very carefully. In fact I am more up to date on your politics than my own here in Canada. Frankly, Canada needs an Obama clone. We have our own version of Bush to contend with right now.
Lately, of course I have been following your incredibly vicious health-care debate. It seems anyone can put out bold faced lies, be (disguised) racists, and even coercing the odd Canadian to pee on their own health-care system. But such is your First Amendment were people can do or say anything they want… without any limits.
I am sensing President Obama, that you are starting to crack regarding the Public Option. If you do cave in, your dream of health-care coverage for all WILL evaporate forever. Mr. President, now is the time to be more determined than EVER and resist the fake hysteria the right wing is generating. The American public will take a while to understand everything about health-care reform.
It is time for you Mr. President, and all Democrats, to get some cojones!
Health-care is a huge and very complex issue. It is starting to sink in slowly, but there are too many Rep/right winger’s throwing “ied’s” and other roadblocks in your path. Resist big pharma, the insurance providers, Wall Street and all the rest. You must.
Health-care for ALL is essential to the US. There MUST be a Public Option, period! All your predictions for the future (if nothing is done) are as bleak as you said it would be, and worse. And they WILL come true. I know businesses that prefer to be in Canada BECAUSE of our health-care system. Don’t blow this chance.
You must be strong and fend off your wealthy or uninformed foes. Middle America (85%) want the Public Option, so be prepared to settle for nothing less. Get the cojones together, and fight this to the bitter end. You have everything to gain, and so does the American public (just some of them don’t know that yet).
Listen America! This is a GOOD thing for you ALL… and it won’t hurt a bit. Go for the GOLD!
Toronto, Canada
(Sent via email to the White House)
August 17, 2009