Monday, January 7, 2008

He just may be the next President of the United States! An extended interview with Barak Obama

As I am following the US Presidential elections (which are incredibly complicated but fascinating) I am being thoroughly impressed by Barak Obama. The more I see and hear, the more I like.

AMERICANS are sick of the incestuous Washington status quo. They are sick of a White House filled with warmongers. They desperately need universal health care. They are sick of the lobbyists buying Washington. They are fed up with their whole system being infiltrated by corporate greed, illegal activities at all levels, and a puppet president that should have been impeached years ago. They are also fed up with a media that has been irresponsible most of the past seven years.

Frankly, Americans need to give their overblown government an enema. Out with the bad... in with the good. As America gets to know Barak Obama better and better, they will quickly warm to him. Barak has yet to fall into that black hole know as Washington DC. His ideas are new and fresh. I feel at this point that Barak Obama is the best person to restore the oxygen supply to a Capitol smothered by excess and very warm CO2.

Now... watch this video and you will see what I mean. Hillary still wants to accept lobbyists money... That is when she lost me. Barak promises not just change, but real change. If he gets to the top he sure has his work cut out for him!!

An excellent interview by NBC's Brian Williams. Excellent audio and video too.

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